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Jean Su's China Tour Feedback

Thank you for the nice chinese knot hanging you had my friends, Ting and Grace, bring back for me. I am sorry that I had to pull out of the tour last minute, but unfortunately, I did suffer a stroke and was in the hospital for about 10 days. A true friend, Charles pulled out of the tour to help take care of me. Luckily, I am making a speedy recovery and am doing very well these days. I have had a lot of support and help from my family and friends, so I am very grateful for everyone. I heard from my friends that they had an enjoyable tour, so thanks for helping them arrange all of that. I will have to go back and tour China another time.
I apologize again for any inconvenience that my and Charles' pulling out may have caused, but thanks again for the souvenir. Take care and have a great new year.
Jean Su
Feb 01, 2011