China Travel FAQ

Here we collect a list of frequent asked questions about China Tours and all information on China Travel. All these questions are given practical answers by our China tour consultants and China travel advisors. Hope the China FAQs can provide you with useful references when you plan Beijing Tours.
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Question Source>Beijing Chengde Tour :I’m interested in your One Day Beijing Chengde Tour. However, I checked that Chengde is 23km away from Beijing. Will one day making a round trip a little tight? Can we take train to Chengde from Beijing? We are a group of three. Waiting for your reply.

Answer: I can understand your considering, because there are mainly mountain roads from Beijing to Chengde. Thanks for the newly-opened highway, driving from Beijing to Chengde only costs two and a half hours. So, you don’t have to worry about the time. You can take a train to Chengde. But the train time is set, not flexible. Regularly, we don’t choose this way.
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