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Denmark Embassies and Consulates


Denmark, the Kingdom of Denmark, is a Scandinavian country located in North Europe. The territory of Denmark covers an area of 43,100 square kilometers with a population of about 5.5 million or so. The country of Denmark, together with Greenland and the Faroe Islands, comprises the Kingdom of Denmark. Denmark is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government and has a state-level government and local governments in all the municipalities. Denmark and China has developed a healthy diplomatic relation since May 11th, 1950. Its mixed economy features efficient markets, above average European living standards, and high amount of free trade. The national day of Denmark is April 16.

Embassy of China in Denmark
Tel: +45-39460889
Fax: +45-39625484
E-mail: chinaemb_dk@mfa.gov.cn
Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing
Add: No.1, Dong Wu Jie, San Li Tun
Tel: +86-10-85329900
Fax: +86-10-85329999
E-mail: bjsamb@um.dk
Website: http://www.ambbeijing.um.dk/
Consulate General of the Kingdom of Denmark in Guangzhou
Add: Room 1578, China Hotel Office Tower, Liuhua Lu
Tel: +86-20-86660795
Fax: +86-20-86670315
E-mail: cangkl@um.dk
Website: http://www.gkguangzhou.um.dk/da
Consulate General of the Kingdom of Denmark in Shanghai
Add: Room 701, Shanghai International Trade Center, No.2201 Yan'an Xi Lu
Tel: +86-21-62090500
Fax: +86-21-62090504
E-mail: shagk@um.dk
Website: http://www.gkshanghai.um.dk/da
Royal Danish Consulate in Chongqing
Add: Metropolitan Tower, 31/F 1, No.68 Zou Rong Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing
Tel: +86-23-63836008
Fax: +86-23-63704982

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